Jeff Kidd
Jeff Kidd is co-founder of BrightPipe, an audio-visual services firm that helps clients create engaging marketing experiences using the latest technologies. Jeff has spoken at national events dedicated to helping educate marketers and exhibitors on topics ranging from technology, survey design, cost saving tips and lead retrieval systems. He also has written and been interviewed for several articles in exhibit related trade magazines.
Jeff’s passion for technology can be traced back to early childhood working on electronics projects with his father – building circuits and motors on the kitchen table. He still has a scar on his hand from a soldering iron accident in the 4th grade. Needless to say, mom was not too happy about that. Jeff graduated form the Georgia Institute of Technology with a degree in Electrical Engineering and spent his early career designing hardware and software system for computer BIOS, modem, and cable TV set top boxes.
During those early career years Jeff started a company with his lifelong friend Dan Shamanski who he met in an 11th grade computer programming class. They were fierce competitors at the time, as both were trying to get programming assignments done faster or better than the other. At Georgia Tech, Jeff and Dan ended up being lab partners for nearly every lab – this is where it became clear that working together, we were much better at solving problems and getting things to work. They focused on control systems which involved designing circuit boards and programing firmware to control electronics in custom aquariums and swimming pools.
Then the Internet happened. The world went from being hardware focused to software focused and Jeff started to work on user interface design, graphics design and programming for web sites. One day a friend called Jeff to ask if he was able to help set up a few PCs at a tradeshow and make sure that they worked for the event. The rest, as they say, is history.
Today Jeff is the chief visionary for BrightPipe. He is responsible for developing new product concepts – things that make our customer’s lives easier or better in the hectic world of tradeshows and events. He also manages the project management team to ensure that every client has an outstanding customer service experience.